About Arnon and DPCP
I welcome you to the new site of The New Institute for Dynamic Positive Coaching Psychology (DPCP) and I’ll briefly tell you its story and my journey up to this place. You are invited to decide if this new domain can give value to what you are looking for. In my training and experience, I am a clinical psychologist, psycho-anthropologist, and life coach following the Dynamic Positive Coaching Psychology approach. For the last 40 years I have been working in the Ministry of Health as a therapist and supervisor, I directed a youth mental health clinic and worked in the academy and in private practice.
I worked with thousands of patients from many social groups: senior officers, executives, employees, ultra-orthodox Jews, Arabs, and young people looking for their way in life. From the beginning of my career as a therapist, I felt that the medical model, still prevailing today from Freud’s time is not suitable for the zeitgeist and needs adapted to our time.
The Full Text of the Video
welcome to the site of Dynamic Positive Coaching Psychology (DPCP) (a video to be prepared by zoom)
We live in an amazing time which floods us with information and offers us more opportunities than any other period in history. However, at the same time, this period is also very confusing and makes us rethink our value system, and our way of life as parents, as partners, and as friends, at home and in the workplace. Today, life is more challenging than ever before, but at the same time it offers us more moments of new opportunities that might change our lives.
What is The New Dynamic Positive Coaching Psychology?
A new approach to building mental resilience and maximizing personal potential.
By Arnon Levy Ph.D.
For historical reasons, clinical psychology and psychotherapy have evolved within the medical model that was aimed at healing mental sicknesses and neurotic and dysfunctional behaviors. Even now, the medical model dominates theories about the human psyche whose modern roots began with the groundbreaking insights of Freud. Although many changes have taken place since the days of Freud, the central conceptions he shaped are still dominant to this day. This fact is quite amazing as it is difficult to exaggerate the tremendous distance between the Victorian culture in which Freud grew up and acted and the internet culture of today.
Towards the last quarter of the twentieth century, the field of positive psychology (PP) burst into psychology and the general public’s awareness. PP challenged the medical model and set the goal of exploring the characteristics that “make life worth living.”

Widening the scope of DPCP in the my recent book “The Mindful Brain”
Recent Book
The Mindful Brain
"The Mindful Brain" is sold now in Amazon, for a limited period, in very attractive price.

The Full Text of the interview
I have with me here Professor Arnon Levy. Arnon is a clinical psychologist and psycho-anthropologist. Today we’ll be discussing his book The Mindful Brain: The astonishing Journey to the world where psychology, neuroscience and culture join together. This book results from his 40 years of clinical experience in psychology, psychotherapy psychopathology, and coaching psychology. In his two previous books (in Hebrew), Arnon established the basis for the concept of Dynamic Positive Coaching Psychology. Arnon previously served as the chairman of the Israeli Association for Psychotherapy. He founded and directed Coaching Psychology programs at Tel Aviv and Bar Ilan Universities. He is the Vice President of the International Society for Coaching Psychology and supervised Ph.D. students in this field in collaboration with Middlesex University.
intreview about the "Mindful Brain"
Reviews About the Mindful Brain

Interesting read!
Author Arnon Levy PHD, a clinical psychologist and pyscho-anthropologist has by far written a fantastic
and interesting read. His book has many levels that pull the reader into the pages, from the storyline,
characters and the magical parts with science all pulled together into the topic of psychology. Right off
the bat the main character is introduced right into the topic at hand right away makes the reader begin
to question what they know about themselves and the world around them.
Using the current political events taking place in both America and Israel along with the pieces of the
global pandemic known as Coronavirus/Covid19; the author shares personal comments and opinions
that only further help the readers to delve further into the topic within the pages.
With the main character traveling from Israel through the world on a journey of self-exploration and
discovery; from seeing an old friend in their own haven he continues to meet even more bewildering
and amazing people who further unveil new concepts of psychopathology and psychotherapy and
riddles of the relationships. Each new experience helps the main character delve into a new way of
thinking beyond what he had been prior and opened doors to aid with his in-depth understanding of not
only his inner world but the world we all live in as well.
The book is complex but very interesting and well put together in a way that helps the readers to delve
deeper into discovering their own new avenues and paths of perception.
Wonderful book, can definitely recommend.

Very interesting read

Grady Harp
‘Hope is the elixir of life for human beings..’
Israeli author Arnon Levy PhD is a clinical psychologist and psycho-anthropologist, a proponent of Dynamic Positive Coaching Psychology. He has served as chairman of the Israeli Association for Psychotherapy and founded and directed Coaching Psychology at Tel Aviv and Bar Ilan Universities. He currently is the Vice President for the International Society for Coaching Psychology. THE MINDFUL BRAIN has been translated from the Hebrew by Dalia Talmon
Levy’s novel has many levels of appreciation: storyline, character fascination, myth and magic, and science – all of course woven into the realm of psychology! The author introduces his principle character in his introductory comments: ‘Norman, the main protagonist of this book, finds himself in an exploratory staggering voyage trying to delve in the age-old enigma that occupied the best minds throughout history, about the apparently unintelligible relations between human consciousness, which is part of the self, and the human brain.’ And in addition to hinting at the themes of the novel, he also shares some cogent opinions: ‘Israel today is a microcosm of what is happening in the US, including the incredible parallel between the pathway and maybe the destiny of Trump and Netanyahu. However, it seems that Trump and Netanyahu are just representations of the deep cracks in our global cultural/socio/economic system uncovered by the Coronavirus…’ Sharing personal comments such as this heightens the expectations of the novel that follows! – a very welcome trait for an author!
As for the story, Levy distills is well – ‘Norman is an international press correspondent who came to Israel a few years ago. After his girlfriend Tal hits the road on a voyage of self-exploration to the famous Ashram on the island of Lesbos, Norman decides to leave on his own lifetime journey to look for answers to existential dilemmas that have preoccupied him since long ago. After a brief but staggering visit to an old friend who found his safe haven in a small village in Brittany, France, Norman left for Paris, where he met the enigmatic amazing old Kim. Kim presents Norman with bewildering existential Koan riddles and unveils before him a new conception of psychopathology and psychotherapy and their relations to the riddle of the brain-consciousness relationships. These pointed Norman to a new way of thinking which went beyond the common conceptual paradigms and opened the gate to his in-depth understanding of his inner world and the world in which we live. The last chapters describe the sermon on the mountain in which Norman integrates all the groundbreaking insights that emerged during his journey, into a whole unified view of the meaning of the human story.’
Complex? Yes, but in a good way. Spend time with this book and discover new avenues of perception of where we might be headed: be entertained – and learn – simultaneously. Grady Harp, June 21
Cheryl Dunn
Very interesting read
This book is great interesting intriguing suspenful of how the brain works. It has a lot of information on what you could do with your mind to help you get through a lot of situations. Mediation positive thoughts. It teaches you a different way to learn you brain . I highlThis book is great interesting intriguing suspenful of how the brain works. It has a lot of information on what you could do with your mind to help you get through a lot of situations. Mediation positive thoughts. It teaches you a different way to learn you brain . I highly recommend this book for more positive thoughts. The Author did a great job of bringing this book to life.
y recommend this book for more positive thoughts. The Author did a great job of bringing this book to life.
Coaching in the DPCP approach
Do you wish to learn more about coaching psychology, positive psychology, and psychology in general? Are you eager to get your Ph.D.? Do you need supervision for your thesis?
Are you a coach wanting to learn more about the psychological aspects of coaching or you are a psychologist interested in coaching?. You are in the right place. Are you a coach or a psychologist,
Do you wish to learn more about coaching psychology, positive psychology, and psychology in general? Are you eager to get your Ph.D.? Do you need supervision for your thesis?
Workshops and lectures
Do you want to take a part in a workshop or host a lecture about the way we often get stuck with obsessive thoughts that make us suffer? Do you want to know how we can modify...
Lectures referring to
dynamic postive coaching psychology.
Prof. Arnon Levy - Key lecture in ISCP annual conference 2020
Prof. Arnon Levy – Key lecture in ISCP annual conference 2020Dynamic Positive Coaching Psychology- A Neuroscience-Based Dynamic Approach to generate Positive Change. A Key lecture for the 10th International congress of coaching psychology’ ISCP 7th-9th October 2020 UK. Congress Theme: Navigating adversity between Coaching Psychology & Positive Psychology
The relationship between positive psychology (PP) coaching psychology (CP) and neuroscience research are discussed here.
Notwithstanding its great popularity, PP is often criticized by colleagues for circular methodology, elitism, promoting the science of “happyiology “and more.
It is suggested that PP research results, generating “positive” knowledge, have a small impact on changing human behaviors. Human behaviors change following assimilation of experiences that generate new learning in consciousness following assimilation of experiences that generate new learning in consciousness and new neuronal patterns in the brain like through the implementation of psychotherapy and coaching techniques.
It is discussed that the potential to positive behavioral change is in the right activation of the evolutionarily installed command systems in the brain of search/reward; attachment; and survival and not by the validation of new or old positive knowledge
"The Mindful Brain”-a meeting place between Psychology, Neuroscience, nature and Culture.
This is an invited lecture to the conference "Health and well-being at work" 15-19 March 2021 UK
In the lecture, I discuss the dysfunctional learning that occurs in the interaction between the biological “software” of survival/adaptation, seek/reward, and attachment, developed in the brain by natural selection, and some traits of human culture. This dysfunctional learning results in psychopathological syndromes and other disorders and generates maladapted paradigms that block the growth and well-being in people. I discuss the relations between the lecture’s themes and the age old problem of the brain/consciousness/self relations. I will talk about practical techniques to neutralize the growth/blocking paradigms and turn them into paradigms that enhance well-being.
The Brain-consciousness knot revisited. Implications for Psychopathology and Psychotherapy
A Symposium held by Prof. Arnon Levy at the 18th world congress of the World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry April 21st, 2017 Florence Italy.
The lecture deals with the age-old problem of the self/brain relationships and its impact upon psychotherapy. Following Gell-mann’s approach (1994) it is suggested that the scientific project is composed of a hierarchy of complex systems, and that the brain and the self, being parts of the scientific project (biology, psychology), form complex adaptive systems(CAS) which oppose the linear causality and the Question “Where Action Begins in the Brain or in the Mind”? becomes irrelevant. As the brain and the self are CAS there are common systemic mechanism effecting both the self and the brain such as: self-regulation, self-organization, emergence, actions according to pre-established patterns, and more. The common mechanisms form a meta-language by which the self , brain and body can communicate to effectively generate desired changes